Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day Seven

What a blast! Day Seven started out in Yellowstone National Park, where great photos were not hard to find. I got to see an eruption of Old Faithful, which is just astonishing to see in person. She ended up erupting about 10-15 minutes before the time the park rangers had estimated, which probably resulted in a lesser eruption, but afforded me the chance to get ahead of schedule for the day! After Yellowstone, I headed east across the northern part of Wyoming on Route 20, and around the town of Greybull, I headed north off of 20 on a side trip to Billings, Montana, home to my good friend Natasha. We hit a couple of local breweries, and man do they make some good beer up in ths neck of the woods! Visit the Yellowstone Brewing Company and Angry Hanks if you are ever in Billings, and you shan't be disappointed! Day Eight will take me back to Route 20 (getting back on the highway exactly where I got off, therefore allowing me to continue my quest of driving the entire length of the road), and ultimately down to Casper, WY. Should be a beautiful day!

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